Inspired by J.M.W. Turner, Georgia O'Keefe, Massimo Cruciani, Edgar Degas and many others, I am pleased to be an artist painting in oils (palette knife and brush), soft pastels, paintings on glass and now watercolors. My landscapes are driven by my travel memories. My flowers are inspired by the actual thing -- I once had a pressed and dried flower business. And my skies -- my hero is Turner. What more can I say?
My motto: "Life is short, use color!" I hope you enjoy my show.
This painting on glass took on its own life. Oleander are poisonous plants (if eaten) that grow wild not only in Spain but in warm climates such as California, where I saw them just a week ago. They are quite exotic looking, at least to my eye, and come in varying colors. My favorite colors are the hot pinks.
We were in Spain in 1998 and my husband wanted to go to a famous cave. I opted out of touring the cave and instead did a short hike around the rocky and dry foothills. I was so amazed at the site of the wild oleander shrubs -- they never left my mind.
Here in the Rocky Mountain foothills, just several hundred yards away from our house, I see some wild flowers but nothing like the oleander. So I present my version of them to you on glass. They are both opaque and iridescent, still have something of a stained glass quality to them and yet are somewhat abstract. I hope you enjoy this artwork as much as I do and did painting it.
"Wild Oleander in the Foothills of Spain", painting on glass, 14"x18" edge to edge glass, $750 + $14.95 domestic shipping, sold framed as shown
I've always like the combination, hot as it is, of red and purple. It's anything but subtle, but then most of my artwork tends to be colorful. Hopefully that's an indication of my personality! My husband is of the idea that we paint our emotional personalities -- some are dark, some are perfectionistic, some of subdued, my art is color, color, and more color! Can't help it, it's who/what I am, I guess.
Anyway....poppies continue to inspire me. While in California last week, I enjoyed the bright oranges of the California poppies occasionally seen along the roads. It would be great to see a blue Himalayan poppy, but that hasn't happened yet. So I'll pretty much stick to painting the bright reds that are so vibrant and lively.
Have a good day!
"Red Poppies, Lavender Skies", painting on glass, 9"x12" edge to edge glass, sold framed as shown, $325 + $14.95 domestic shipping
Years ago we were in the Rocky Mountains for a brief vacation. I went outside and, lo and behold, the moon was vibrantly shining in the slightly cloudy sky, a haze of deep blues and purples. This is my take on that delightful night.
I've noticed that as I plan and then paint, I go back in time, in a sweet manner, go back to my memories of fun and sentimental times. That is one of the most joyful aspects of being an artist.
"Mountain Moon Glow", painting on glass, 12"x9", sold framed as shown, $325 + $14.95 domestic shipping
Back from the Bear State, California. Had a great time! Took lots of reference photos. The one that I'm most interested in is of a morning glory grouping. This is why: Years ago, my husband and I went to Spain and, while there, also went to Gibraltar. That's the English part of Spain, actually. I realize that the English own that spot of land, and it is truly a spot, very tiny, but you are surrounded by Spain. Anyway, I saw the most beautiful morning glory there, very deep blue. I painted it on glass, as you can see.
Since painting it, I've wanted to paint more, as it was an adventure to paint it. However, I cannot for the life of me grow morning glories, try as I may. So I seek them out for the reference photo and found some beauties. You'll get to see them in the near future, hopefully! See you again this week!
"Gibraltan Morning Glory", painting on glass, 11"x14" edge to edge glass, sold framed as shown, $425 + $14.95 domestic shipping
Sadly, this is the last iris of the four. It was a beautiful, deep colored iris with iridescence and luminosity. This iris almost glittered in the sunlight but had deep undertones, also.
As mentioned before, irises are difficult to paint. They wind and furl all over the place, so immediately they're a challenge, then add in their shadows and varying hues! Oy vei!
I hope you have enjoyed my little iris display -- I'm off to California to seek more fodder for artwork and drink some wine, eat some food and get a breather from regular life. See you in about a week or so!
For my website, you'll need to go to "Works/Glass Paintings/The Four Irises" for the complete view of the artwork. For my other art blogs, just look below.
"The Four Irises", painting on glass,10"x22", sold framed as shown, $660 + $14.95 domestic shipping
This is a dainty iris. Almost a flirty iris, the way the petal waves to you. I've noticed that when driving by fields of iris, they look so uniform. Stop, bend down, really look at the individual irises, they are so unique in form from one's the old "stop and smell the roses" routine only here it's "stop and check out the irises" instead!
Tomorrow, the last of the four irises. See you then.
For my website, you'll need to go to "Works/Glass Paintings/The Four Irises" for the complete view of the artwork. For my other art blogs, just look below.
"The Four Irises", painting on glass,10"x22", sold framed as shown, $660 + $14.95 domestic shipping
This is actually a bit of fun for me. Separating out the irises from one another, I like this one best.
You don't see too many straight lines in nature, but this particular yellow iris had a fold that, looking straight on, appeared to be a perfectly level line! That was an unusual line for me to paint without it looking silly. Hopefully I succeeded.
For my website, you'll need to go to "Works/Glass Paintings/The Four Irises" for the complete view of the artwork. For my other art blogs, just look below.
I feel that this is one of my best glass paintings so far. A difficult process, quite tedious and time consuming, but also fun and enjoyable. Especially when it works!
"The Four Irises", painting on glass,10"x22", sold framed as shown, $660 + $14.95 domestic shipping
For the remainder of this week, I am only going to blog about one glass painting, "The Four Irises" (somewhat akin to The Three Tenors!). Each day I'll highlight a new iris -- but with my website you'll need to go to "Works/Glass Paintings/The Four Irises" to see the total effect. With my other blogs, you'll see the featured iris, then the full painting. I hope you enjoy this little journey.
As far as artwork goes for me, this one was a tough one to paint and quite time consuming. But I'll admit, I enjoyed the process thoroughly and that's half the battle!
"The Four Irises", painting on glass,10"x22", sold framed as shown, $660 + $14.95 domestic shipping
Another of my all time favorite flowers, here is the bougainvillea painted onto glass. And yet another challenge!
Those brightly colored leaves curl and furl and twist around. The tiny little white bits are the actual flowers. I have five bougainvilleas growing outdoors as I type, but they'll need to come inside soon, as these babies don't like the frost.
"Bougainvillea, Baby!", painting on glass, 11"x14" sold framed as shown, $425 + $14.95 domestic shipping
Cannot resist the irises these days. Boy, are they difficult to paint, though! Flaky little flowers with all of those frills and folds! I know we're completely out of season with these sweeties, but who cares? I like a challenge!
Blues and purples seem to dominate these flowers, at least in my mind. Those are fun colors with which to paint so I have no problems with mixing them up. They become much like stained glass in my technique. Don't forget to check out the close ups!
I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I do painting them!
"Loving Iris Duo", 9"x12", sold framed as shown, $325 + $14.95 domestic shipping
The Peacock, Resident of Old Bent's Fort, Colorado, has intriqued me for years. I first saw this resident, quite a noble creature, at Bent's Fort near La Junta, Colorado, about ten years ago. He was strutting his stuff big time! Oooh, love that tail!!!!
Old Bent's Fort is an historical restoration of an actual fort here in the West. It's dry, dusty, but sturdy. There's an actual covered wagon out front and adobe all around. I think it's worth the trip to see, but my daughters, aged 14 and 11 at the time, didn't agree. Maybe next time, huh, kids?
This is a painting on glass, full of luminiscence and vibrancy, but you should really study the close ups to see that. A bit reminiscent of stained glass but this you simply hang on the wall to see.
"The Peacock, Resident of Old Bent's Fort, Colorado", 14"x18" measured edge to edge glass, sold framed as shown, $750 + $14.95 domestic shipping