Inspired by J.M.W. Turner, Georgia O'Keefe, Massimo Cruciani, Edgar Degas and many others, I am pleased to be an artist painting in oils (palette knife and brush), soft pastels, paintings on glass and now watercolors. My landscapes are driven by my travel memories. My flowers are inspired by the actual thing -- I once had a pressed and dried flower business. And my skies -- my hero is Turner. What more can I say?
My motto: "Life is short, use color!" I hope you enjoy my show.
Here are some more morning glories. They are just the loveliest, most delicate looking flowers! As they fade, the colors change. The leaves are deeply carved with hints of yellow in them. And they are a blast to paint! Gotta love them.
I've been working on a red rose on a glass painting. Tres difficile. Fun. Challenging. Hopefully I can post this flower later in the week.
"More Morning Glories from Half Moon Bay", painting on glass, 11"x14" edge to edge glass, sold framed in black with silver lip, $425 plus shipping to be determined
Do you like stained glass? I do and always have. During our last visit to New York City, we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I wanted to dash off to the Tiffany Collection but it was closed. Unbelievable! Such bad timing on our part!
Still, I have been there before and can truly appreciate his genius with stained glass. This painting has a stained glass quality to it, more so than some of my other paintings on glass. As you can imagine, color is of high importance to me, so I'll give you that this particular sunset is a bit hotter than some real sunsets, but it was fun making Nature shine!
"Sky Aglow", glass painting, 12"x12" edge to edge glass, $450 + shipping charges to be determined
This is the "November Mountain Sunset". You might wonder, why show this now? Well, the Daylight Savings Time is about to end. For some reason, government has determined that we've had enough daylight for a bit, time to live in darkness. Or so it seems! The highlights of November are two-fold for me: Thanksgiving, which I have always enjoyed, and sunsets. I can go outside and catch an amazing sunset from my front door, literally. Hence, this painting on glass. By the way, the medium is definitely the message on this one -- it ruled! "November Mountain Sunset", painting on glass, 11"x14" edge to edge glass, sold framed as shown (simple black frame), $425 + shipping charges to be determined at time of sale
Here is a slightly older painting of another love, the iris. This one is indigo in color and painted with only a palette knife. You know my history of wars between the brushes and me! It's a very small piece but painted with love. Every once in a while I like to practice what would be considered miniatures. I feel like they're great practice for the larger paintings to come.
Hope you enjoy!
"Indigo Iris", oil on canvas panel, 5"x5", $75 plus $9.95 shipping charges
These are the morning glories I saw in Half Moon Bay in California. What beauties they were, a delight to see! Very cheery, although something of an overcast day. The morning glories on Gibraltar were far darker blue, with a soft stripe of red in them. The lilacs and purples in these intrigued me and I actually abstracted them somewhat.
Greens in the leaves are difficult for me, so my plan is always to have fun with them. Marbelize them, lighten or darken them, make a nice contrast to the actual flower or petals.
Enjoy your weekend! And the rest of autumn, for winter's just around the bend, at least here in Colorado.
"Morning Glories of Half Moon Bay", 11x14" edge to edge glass painting, $425 plus domestic shipping charges to be determined at time of sale, sold framed as shown (black frame, gold lip)
We live in a part of Colorado that gets very, very cold in the winter. Sometimes the temperature drops to twenty degrees below zero, Fahrenheit. Why do I mention this? Here's why: I cannot grow this poppy, the Himalayan blue poppy. I find this to be completely frustrating, loving poppies as I do. I can grow red, orange, yellow, and salmon colored poppies, but not the blue.
So what are my options? Painting them on glass, of course! I hope you enjoy viewing them.
"The Himalayan Blues", painting on glass, 8"x10" edge to edge glass, sold framed as shown at Wild Hands Art Gallery, Jackson, Wyoming (
Gotta love those poppies! We started growing some salmon poppies a couple of years ago and I eagerly anticipate their blooms. They are just so lovely! The colors seem to change with the light, naturally, and the centers are a deep burgundy as opposed to the center of the red poppies which are more of a deep purple.
I hope you enjoy these flowers as much as I do. I'm hoping to make an attempt at painting onto glass some Himalayan blue poppies in the near future. Now, that should be fun! Thanks for looking.
"Salmon Poppy Trio", painting on glass, 8"x10" measured edge to edge, sold framed as shown for $240 + $14.95 domestic shipping