Inspired by J.M.W. Turner, Georgia O'Keefe, Massimo Cruciani, Edgar Degas and many others, I am pleased to be an artist painting in oils (palette knife and brush), soft pastels, paintings on glass and now watercolors. My landscapes are driven by my travel memories. My flowers are inspired by the actual thing -- I once had a pressed and dried flower business. And my skies -- my hero is Turner. What more can I say?
My motto: "Life is short, use color!" I hope you enjoy my show.
This painting was a delight to put together. I wanted vivid colors and I got them! There's a close up on my website, also, should you want to see more detail. Morning glories are so cheery and colorful. I also painted a second piece, so there's a pair. I'll blog about it another time, however. Very stained glass looking, opaque, luminescent, and transparent all within the same painting. The photographs do not do it justice, unfortunately. "Morning Dew on Morning Glories", painting on glass, 8"x16" edge to edge glass, sold framed as shown, $375 includes s&h in North America, e-mail me at for more information
A larger version of yesterday's blog -- this is an 8x10 palette knife oil painting on canvas -- we've been to Cortona, Italy, a couple of times and had a lot of fun visiting there. As always, the hill towns in Italy are nothing less than magical. Colorful, too!
"Near Cortona in Spring (Italy)", 8"x10" palette knife oil painting on canvas, sold unframed, $160 includes s&h in North America, e-mail me at for more information
If you have been following any of my numerous blogs, you know two things about me for sure: (1) I love to experiment; (2) I do not like brushes when painting in oils. These two bits of information are featured in this painting -- totally experimental in application solely using palette knives. And colorful, too! Evocative of my memories of the Italian hill towns in spring. There are more paintings like this one coming: watch for one arriving on your screen soon! (Close up on my website.)
"Salmon Icelandic Poppies" was a challenge to paint. These poppies have a lot of ins and outs, sort of ruffly. They are fun poppies to grow -- I've grown them from seed and just plain old potted up. While this painting has sold, I'm always willing to take on a commission!
If you would like a similar painting produced, e-mail me at for information
This particular mountainscape is from southwestern Colorado -- full of minerals and color. On the way to Ouray, Silverton, and Durango and near Mesa Verde. This is a spot you must see! Don't I sound like a tourist agency for my lovely state?
Simplicity is the point of this painting. Three red poppies, daintily placed. Varying shades of red in the petals. Transparent. Opaque. Luminiscent. Iridiscent. Sort of a light aqua pearlized and marbelized background. And a close up on my website.
This is something of an experimental painting for me. It's painted onto linen using only palette knives. There are deep shades of blue with some white splashing around and a light blue sky. A great deal of fun to paint!
May in France is a lovely time. As you drive through the country side, you see an explosion of red poppies. These are very fond memories. Coquelicot rule!
There is a close up of this painting on my website.
I'm obviously fantasizing about warm weather again -- why else would I paint this scene?
Roses are wonderful flowers and the butterflies certainly do enjoy their nectar. Can you imagine flying, running into a lovely rose, taking your meal there? There's a close up of this on my website.
"Butterfly and Rose", painting on glass, 5"x7" edge to edge glass, $110 includes s&h in North America, e-mail me at for more information
Last Friday night I had an art opening at a local gallery, Meko's Gallery, in Fort Collins, Colorado. all the art I displayed (through this month) were paintings on glass. I am pleased to say that this particular piece sold. "Shooting Stars" are wildflowers here in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. My husband and I also grow them in our backyard. I must say, painting this subject was a hoot, I really had fun with it. If you are interested in a similar piece, just let me know.
Yes, it's another mountain sunset -- but who can refuse the beauty of mother Nature? This one has lots of pink, salmon, coral, a hint of red and then lavender, then a bit of blue peeking through.
"Glow", palette knife oil painting on canvas, sold framed as shown, 5"x7"", $95 includes s&h in North America, e-mail me at for more information; Paypal
Okay, I'm pushing it just a bit. I know that spring isn't really here, but it will be soon and what better harbinger than forsythias? This painting has a bit of an oriental feel to it -- I find blues to be soothing -- and I can just feel the sun on my back as the robins spring into action, looking for food, the forsythias beginning their blooming time, the crocus up, the daffodils well on the way. It's been in the 60's and 70's here in Colorado recently -- now, we all know better, there has to be at least one or two more snowstorms in store -- so, yes, I'm dreaming, spring isn't really here. But we can pretend momentarily, can't we?
This is my version of "Sail Away" on a more miniature scale. All palette knife with oil, naturally. This particular piece of art is sold as shown -- linen liner in a lovely ivory colored frame. Such a deal in such tough economic times! And don't we all, really, want to sail away?
I adore roses. Since they come in so many colors, I thought I'd start with a pink one, simply surrounded by an elegant frame. More to come in more colors! Stayed tuned! And check out the close up of this lovely rose on my website, too.
"A Pink Rose", 4"x4" painting on glass, sold framed as shown, $125 includes s&h in North America, e-mail me at for more information; Paypal accepted