Inspired by J.M.W. Turner, Georgia O'Keefe, Massimo Cruciani, Edgar Degas and many others, I am pleased to be an artist painting in oils (palette knife and brush), soft pastels, paintings on glass and now watercolors. My landscapes are driven by my travel memories. My flowers are inspired by the actual thing -- I once had a pressed and dried flower business. And my skies -- my hero is Turner. What more can I say?
My motto: "Life is short, use color!" I hope you enjoy my show.
This particular painting on glass has just SOLD. However, I have other roses in golden yellow, red, and blue, painted directly onto the glass and framed nicely in the same type of frame. The painted area is small, 4"x4", but set off by this lovely frame which is gold and greyish-blue. I'm especially proud of these roses, as I drew them freehand, which is quite the challenge -- it's easy to overdo it or leave out too much. Simplicity works here. Let me know if you are interested in learning more about these available paintings by writing me at Thanks for your interest in my art!
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I present to you some mesas from my imagination and memory. I have seen so many mesas and so many skies and sunsets in the southwest, I decided to let my imagination do the work on this painting. Mesas are great topographical wonders. They just seem to drop off, leaving the edge of the world. Driving by them is always intriguing, as you get to see all sorts of mineral deposits resulting in layers of different colors. I love them!
"Magical Mesas" 10"x20" palette knife oil painting on canvas, sold unframed, $425 includes s&h in U.S., write for more information
Now this is my ideal springtime artwork. Snow has finally left us except for in the high peaks in the Rocky Mountain region, yaay, and I have longed for spring and summer. You'd think that being a Colorado native, I'd love that silly white stuff from the sky but I truly am one for more moderate temperatures -- hence my irises today. Living in a snow globe sounds like fun but the freshness, the chirps of the baby birds, the crocuses and then daffodils, followed by irises, are more my cup of tea.
"Iris Field", framed painting on glass, 11"x14" measured edge to edge glass, framed as shown, $425 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below, write for more information
CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
I'm doing something a bit unusual here and showing you a framed painting on glass that has just been SOLD. Yaay! I love selling my paintings and even more, I enjoy meeting the buyer of my babies -- this way I know they're going to a good home! I can make a painting similar to this for you, should you want one. I do accept commissions and I especially enjoy painting flowers. Let me know if you would like a special piece, sizes, subject matter, and so on. Write me at Thanks!
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Harken back to the days of....poppies! Cannot resist these babies, they're really taking off with the blossoms. The petals are so delicate and fine, the seed pods ready to burst forth with color, the spent flowers want to turn into seeds....but I can't let them or I won't get any more flowers to paint!
"Poppies of Iceland", framed painting on glass, 8"x10" measured edge to edge glass, a great deal including shipping and handling in North America using Paypal, click button below, for $195 or write for more information
I feel that this is such a lovely saying: "peace be with you". It is the warmest, most sincere way to say that we are all in need of peace, getting along, compassion for one another. "Shalom aleichem."
"Shalom Aleichem on Blue", framed as shown, painting on glass, full of iridescence, stained glass appeal, deep colors which are both opaque and transparent, some with shimmer or a bit of marbleized look; $225 includes s&h in N. America; Paypal preferred, click on button below or write for more information
While journeying to Italy, I daydreamed about the vista views. Red poppies dancing in the wind, green hills abounding, specks of white daisies -- all this is in "Tuscan Valley Vista", my painting on glass presented to you here. I designed my own painting technique for this painting -- the flowers appear to "float" on the frame (smooth side faces you, the viewer) and are reminiscent of Murano glass -- both transparent, as in stained glass, and opaque, for variety, you'll find this to be a really unusual piece which captures the vistas of Italy in springtime. Of course, the photograph isn't nearly as nice as the original!
This painting is 11"x14" measured edge to edge glass, framed in gold for the protection of the glass, and is priced at $425, including shipping and handling in North America. For your convenience, use the Paypal button below or write me at for more information.
Living along the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, we are lucky enough to see some very lovely sunsets. This is one of them. It is reminiscent of stained glass and hard to capture in a photograph, but very lovely in person!
Orchids are difficult to paint. I painted this one using only a palette knife and felt satisfied with my job. Ordinarily I'm my own worst critic -- isn't that the way it goes? The flowers themselves are so delicate looking but I finally own one again and I guess they're much hardier than they look -- I've been watering this baby (literally, it's in the tiniest pot!) only once a week and it isn't dead yet! That's a big deal, believe me, as I've killed more than one in my life!
"Fragile Orchid", palette knife oil painting on canvas, 12"x9" sold unframed, $220 includes shipping/handling in N. America; Paypal preferred, simply click on button below (Buy Now) or write me at for more information
This pretty poppy is sold but I can make one for you much like it! I'm sure you know my fondness for poppies -- and they do well on glass, in oil, and pastel!
Colorado has both prairie and mountains. Many folks don't think of this state in that way. The emphasis tends to be on the mountains, especially due to wintertime skiing and summertime fishing, hiking, camping. However, almost 2/3 of the state is basically flat. My mother hailed from Springfield, in the southeastern part of the state, and, indeed, her father was a pioneer from Ohio who traveled with his family via covered wagon to settle in Baca County. Something you never knew!
If you have followed any of my blogs, you know how I dread waking up in the morning, but will find it worth while to get up and see a nice sunrise. This was one of those days, the day I put together this mixed media piece -- hand painted (by me!) silk sky, imported hand made papers, an occasional pressed and dried flower (by me, again). Good Morning!!!!!
"Prairie Sunrise", 24"x34" edge to edge glass, mixed media silver/pewter framed collage, available for $750, includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred; contact me at or simply click on the Buy Now button below
Another glass painting, this inspiration from Italy. It is impossible to get enough poppies and hills and Italy in my life! I want to revisit this lovely country so badly -- next time to Sicily, maybe? And what about Assisi again, along with Montepulciano? Doesn't it all sound like grand fun?
"Italian Hills", 8"x10" framed glass painting (measured edge to edge glass), $195 includes s&h in North America, a terrific deal! Paypal preferred; e-mail me at for more information or simply click on the Buy Now button below! Thanks for looking!
I live in Colorado along the foothills. We are closer to Wyoming than New Mexico. It's a charming and wonderful place to live and I never tire of going out my front door in the evening and checking out the sunset. This has been one my favorites. I hope you enjoy it, also.
"From My Front Door", 9"x12" palette knife oil painting on canvas, sold unframed for $220, s&h included in North America. Paypal preferred, click on button below, or e-mail me at with questions or for more information
Shalom! The greeting of peace. A wonderful sound. An ancient word. A hopeful prayer.
"Shalom", 5"x7" framed painting on glass, $105 includes s&h in North America, Paypal preferred, contact me at for more information or use Paypal link below
Ah, the first trip to Italy! It was May many years ago. This was one of the first country side views I witnessed and it has never left my memory. What a delightful place. What wonderful memories to relive. That's what's about for me with painting....recapturing the good times!
"Tuscan Vista", 11"x14" pastel painting, sold unframed, $300 incl. s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, e-mail me at for more information
This is an older piece. The skies are silk I hand painted, the mountains are imported papers, and there are some actual dried flowers in the piece. Very experimental! Very fun! The frame is a soft pewter-silver silver with relief work on the surrounding edges and the actual collage is matted in soft blue suede. In Colorado there is an actual mountain named "Red Mountain" in the southwestern part of the state. The skies here are often very blue. I have always adored this piece.
"Sunny Day Red Mountain", mixed media collage 24"x34" frame edge to edge, $750 incl. s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, e-mail me at for more information