Inspired by J.M.W. Turner, Georgia O'Keefe, Massimo Cruciani, Edgar Degas and many others, I am pleased to be an artist painting in oils (palette knife and brush), soft pastels, paintings on glass and now watercolors. My landscapes are driven by my travel memories. My flowers are inspired by the actual thing -- I once had a pressed and dried flower business. And my skies -- my hero is Turner. What more can I say?
My motto: "Life is short, use color!" I hope you enjoy my show.
A little late in the season, here is another springtime painting, this one being more forsythias. I actually reworked it recently, seeing if I could use a paintbrush and not make mud. I feel I succeeded! Do you?
"More Springtime Forsythias", 8"x10" oil painting on canvas, sold unframed, Paypal preferred, click button below or write for more information
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: I have been accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Make sure you take a moment and visit my newest blogspot: This site has miniature sculptures consisting of seashells, semi-precious stones, pearls, and Swarovski crystals. Very fun!!!!!!!!!!!! Great bling, schmaltz, sparkle for your tables!!!
CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
Stormy weather here on the Front Range of Colorado. I am so sick of it!!!!! Rain, rain, go away....Thank goodness for ceramic pots and the plants to put into them! That brightens the steps to our house and this year I had more fun than usual, planting up Icelandic poppies in different colors. Okay, okay, I know....gads, does she EVER even paint anything else these days? Well, as a matter of fact I do -- I've been back to oils but I can't photograph them so well when they're wet, so the paintings on glass will have to make you (and me) happy! I hope you do enjoy them as much as I do. This painting is very reminiscent of stained glass with much in the way of luminosity, transparency, and opacity.
"Colorful Icelandic Poppies", 6"x6" measured edge to edge glass, framed in a beautiful 3" wide frame, totalling 12" of loveliness! $150 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write me at for more information
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: I have been accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Make sure you take a moment and visit my newest blogspot: This site has miniature sculptures consisting of seashells, semi-precious stones, pearls, and Swarovski crystals. Very fun!!!!!!!!!!!! Great bling, schmaltz, sparkle for your tables!!!
CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
I must boast. For a long time I have attempted to grow orchids. They usually survived approximately a month. Then they died. Now, mind you, I can grow bougainvillea indoors, maidenhair ferns, squirrel or rabbit's foot ferns, all sorts of somewhat exotic plants, including an eight foot ficus tree! Only recently have I learned how to properly grow orchids. There's a trick to it: neglect them! Pretend they aren't really there, water them only one time a week, give my bright light without direct sun -- and it works! I have now indulged in buying a second orchid, just in case my theory isn't completely correct -- and so far two orchids are thriving (okay, maybe that's strong!) in my breakfast room.
These orchids in my painting preceded my great success growing them -- painted in oil onto canvas, then measured 14"x11", are sold unframed for $300, Paypal preferred, click button below, or write me for more information at VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: I have been accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Make sure you take a moment and visit my newest blogspot: This site has miniature sculptures consisting of seashells, semi-precious stones, pearls, and Swarovski crystals. Very fun!!!!!!!!!!!! Great bling, schmaltz, sparkle for your tables!!!
CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
This painting is essentially the cumulation of the past week. Poppies, black eyed Susans, and delphinium. All in one place! And all on glass! In a beautiful deep gold frame...all for you (and me). This one just grabs me...I love it! Hope you do, too.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: I have been accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place.
"Flower Field", framed painting on glass, 10"x13" measured edge to edge glass, framed for protection of glass, ready to hang on your wall and delight you, $450 includes s&h in N. America, click Paypal button below or e-mail me at for more information
ANNOUNCEMENT: Make sure you take a moment and visit my newest blogspot: This site has miniature sculptures consisting of seashells, semi-precious stones, pearls, and Swarovski crystals. Very fun!!!!!!!!!!!! Great bling, schmaltz, sparkle for your tables!!!
CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
Oh no, not again! Not another poppy painting! Yes, I'm afraid it's true. I simply will never get enough of them, I LOVE my poppies!
"Peppy Poppy Bunch", 6"x6" measured edge to edge glass, framed glass painting, $150 includes s&h in North America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write for more information
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Make sure you take a moment and visit my newest blogspot: This site has miniature sculptures consisting of seashells, semi-precious stones, pearls, and Swarovski crystals. Very fun!!!!!!!!!!!! Great bling, schmaltz, sparkle for your tables!!!
CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
A bit reminiscent of stained glass, this bougainvillea painting has hot shades of fuchsia, pink, purples in transparent and opaque colors. One of my favorite flowers, and a bear to paint, these are deceptive little beings. The flowers are actually quite tiny, the leaves are the stand outs on these plants -- they come in a wide variety of colors and grow in more tropical environs than Colorado -- hence they come indoors when the cold weather approaches our fair state.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I have started yet another art blogspot: Featured on it are some delightful seashells laden with pearls, semi-precious gems, Swarovski crystals -- and at reasonable prices, too, as they include s&h in North America. Make sure to check it out! They are great gifts -- sparkle, bling, schmaltz for the your table -- a little pick me up!
"Bougainvillea, Baby!", 11"x14" measured edge to edge glass, framed as shown for protection of the glass, $425 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write for more information
CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
Framed in black, this pastel is reminiscent of the evenings here in Colorado. The clouds move around, sometimes quickly, other times slowly. They appear to have their own agenda, dancing along was the sun sets behind the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Adios!
"Cloud Dance", framed in black, 14"x18" pastel painting, Paypal preferred, click button below, s&h included in N. America or write for more information CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
Okay, now this is different -- a green sky? While driving our local roads, I am attuned the shades of the sky and I've noticed it's not always blue. Grey, lavender, dark blue, powder blue, aqua, turquoise, need I go on? So today we view the lovely irises in a different setting -- why not? Remember, these paintings are reminiscent of stained glass, but framed for the wall, transparent, opaque, luminiscent, shimmering -- you must see them!
"Blue and Yellow Irises Against a Green Sky", 8"x10" measured edge to edge glass, framed in gold as shown for the protection of the glass, $240 includes shipping and handling in North America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write for more information CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
I feel that simplicity and abstraction can be one and the same. It seems obvious that this is the case in this painting -- the mountain silhouettes are heavier on texture because of the use of palette knives. The sky is softly worked in brushes, a departure for me. This painting is sold framed simply because I had a nice little frame that worked with it.
"Lilac Sunset", 5"x7" oil painting on canvas, sold framed as shown, $105 s&h included in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write me at for more information CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
I have just returned from a vacation in the southeastern part of the country and lots of painting fodder via reference photos to dig into. What an amazing part of this lovely land! We went to Savannah, Georgia, and to Charleston, South Carolina -- both cities are not only different from one another but very different from northern Colorado. You'll get to see my take on them in the near future!
Meanwhile, back to the adobe -- ranch -- in the southwestern part of the U.S. This is along Canyon Road in Santa Fe, another art mecca. The colors seemed to complement each other so nicely, I had to paint this scene!
"Russian Sage and Adobe", 9"x6" framed pastel painting, $165 includes shipping and handling in North America, Paypal preferred, click on button below or write me at for more information CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla
Sometime it rains around here at sunset and we just get the very weirdest clouds you can imagine -- they pour from the skies in colors that are the sunset hues. You just have to love Mama Nature at work. This painting is strictly palette knife, no brushes here, and was a bit of a challenge to complete.
It's 24"x36" on a narrow gallery wrapped canvas (edges) so you don't need to necessarily frame it, although it is ready for a standard size frame should you want to! Paypal preferred, click button below, $865 includes shipping and handling -- it's a large piece -- or write for more information
CLICK HERE to sign up for my e-mail newsletter!!!!! AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Sign up for daily feeds via my websites and blogs. Thank you so much -- Karla