Inspired by J.M.W. Turner, Georgia O'Keefe, Massimo Cruciani, Edgar Degas and many others, I am pleased to be an artist painting in oils (palette knife and brush), soft pastels, paintings on glass and now watercolors. My landscapes are driven by my travel memories. My flowers are inspired by the actual thing -- I once had a pressed and dried flower business. And my skies -- my hero is Turner. What more can I say?
My motto: "Life is short, use color!" I hope you enjoy my show.
ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.
Well, Thanksgiving has ended. The turkey is still in the fridge, waiting to be made into turkey potpie. The painting has beckoned, especially with the upcoming holidays. I have been stuck on sunsets, not such a bad spot to be, so here is one for you with an aurora borealis theme. It may look simple -- it's not! What a pain these glass paints can be -- they make such a mess, running all over the place. I do love my sunsets, I must say. Do you?
"Aurora Borealis Twilight I", 5"x7" measured edge to edge glass, framed as shown, $135 includes s&h in N. America Paypal preferred, click button below or write me at for more info
NEWS: I was accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place. ...And...I am also a Wild Hands Art Gallery artist, on Pearl Street in Jackson, Wyoming, with my paintings on glass! ...More....I am proud to announce that Common Ground Western Art in Red Lodge, Montana, is now representing me, also.
I posted two new items: Table Jewelry (10/29,11/6, and 11/10/09) and Judaica (10/29/09):
ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.
The first time I went to New Mexico was about 35 years ago. We stopped at a cafe and had some green chile (sort of stew). I thought I was going to die from the heat and the spiciness. Unfortunately, my tolerance hasn't improved much, much to my chagrin, of course! I love a good chile relleno, stuffed with cheese and cornbread, but leave out the seeds, please.
"Chilis of New Mexico", 9"x12" framed painting on glass, $295 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write me at for more information
NEWS: I was accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place. ...And...I am also a Wild Hands Art Gallery artist, on Pearl Street in Jackson, Wyoming, with my paintings on glass! ...More....I am proud to announce that Common Ground Western Art in Red Lodge, Montana, is now representing me, also.
I posted two new items: Table Jewelry (10/29,11/6, and 11/10/09) and Judaica (10/29/09):
ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.
Another sunset painting. Well, the skies are always different each evening and sometimes Mama Nature doesn't even provide me a decent sunset from which to work. So I often just make them up -- the seed has been planted, as I have made a point of studying the sundowns for years now. It appears to me that darkness sort of slides into the equation quickly -- at least it has here. My love for the skies has been a long-time love and I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I do painting them!
"Mountain Sunset Glow" 11"x14" framed painting on glass, $425 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write me for more information at NEWS: I was accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place. ...And...I am also a Wild Hands Art Gallery artist, on Pearl Street in Jackson, Wyoming, with my paintings on glass! ...More....I am proud to announce that Common Ground Western Art in Red Lodge, Montana, is now representing me, also.
I posted two new items: Table Jewelry (10/29,11/6, and 11/10/09) and Judaica (10/29/09):
ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.
"Red Sky, Blue Mountains" is another take on yet another sunset -- yes, I am hooked on sunsets over these lovely Rocky Mountains and will always be. The photo, unfortunately, is not as good as I had hoped, although, it's not too bad...The reds are more bold, the blues more subtle -- they work well together. My framed paintings on glass will be featured in December at the Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art Holiday Show -- so if you are interested in any of the recent small works for yourself, buy them now, as they may be gone after the show!
"Red Sky, Blue Mountains", 5"x7" framed painting on glass, $125 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write me at for more information
NEWS: I was accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place. ...And...I am also a Wild Hands Art Gallery artist, on Pearl Street in Jackson, Wyoming, with my paintings on glass! ...More....I am proud to announce that Common Ground Western Art in Red Lodge, Montana, is now representing me, also.
I posted two new items: Table Jewelry (10/29,11/6, and 11/10/09) and Judaica (10/29/09):
ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.
"Night Falls" is pretty self-explanatory, wouldn't you say? I would go so far as to call it "cosmic"! Night time in Colorado is chock full of stars, even on slightly cloudy nights. And I swear I see blue, white, silver, and red or pink stars up there in the darkness, twinkling away at all of us down here. Painting night art works is so much fun and still challenging -- I don't want to get too "far out" or schmaltzy! My framed paintings on glass will be featured in December at the Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art Holiday Show -- so if you are interested in any of the recent small works for yourself, buy them now, as they may be gone after the show!
"Night Falls", 10"x8" framed painting on glass, $295 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write for more info at NEWS: I was accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place. ...And...I am also a Wild Hands Art Gallery artist, on Pearl Street in Jackson, Wyoming, with my paintings on glass! ...More....I am proud to announce that Common Ground Western Art in Red Lodge, Montana, is now representing me, also.
I posted two new items: Table Jewelry (10/29,11/6, and 11/10/09) and Judaica (10/29/09):
ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.
"Welsh Blue Hydrangea" is the result of a visit to Tenby, Wales, many, many years ago. Tenby is a charming town, right on the sea. I'm part Welsh, something my mom was very proud of, and I enjoyed the two visits I've made to that country. Americans are sort of novelties there -- and that makes it even more fun! We take ourselves for granted, don't we? While walking through Tenby, I saw the most amazing grouping of hydrangeas -- both blue and pink -- and I've never forgotten them. I photographed them and am still mystified at how they thrive there while I can't get them to grow here! Nonetheless, here's one of my takes on them.
My framed paintings on glass will be featured in December at the Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art Holiday Show -- so if you are interested in any of the recent small works for yourself, buy them now, as they may be gone after the show!
"Welsh Blue Hydrangea", 5"x7" silver framed painting on glass, $125 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write for more information, NEWS: I was accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place. ...And...I am also a Wild Hands Art Gallery artist, on Pearl Street in Jackson, Wyoming, with my paintings on glass! ...More....I am proud to announce that Common Ground Western Art in Red Lodge, Montana, is now representing me, also.
I posted two new items: Table Jewelry (10/29,11/6, and 11/10/09) and Judaica (10/29/09):
ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.
Have you ever visited a garden nursery and oohed and aahed at the daisies? Especially the ones that are "painted" -- sometimes referred to as African daisies, these babies are nothing less than eye catching, eye popping horticultural wonders. Now, you'd think that daisies are easy enough to paint -- and I agree, they are. But try catching various colors, hues in those daisies! Now that is FUN!
My framed paintings on glass will be featured in December at the Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art Holiday Show -- so if you are interested in any of the recent small works for yourself, buy them now, as they may be gone after the show! "Painted Daisies", 10"x8" framed glass painting, $295 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write for close up photo or further info
NEWS: I was accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place. ...And...I am also a Wild Hands Art Gallery artist, on Pearl Street in Jackson, Wyoming, with my paintings on glass! ...More....I am proud to announce that Common Ground Western Art in Red Lodge, Montana, is now representing me, also.
I posted two new items: Table Jewelry (10/29 and 11/6) and Judaica (10/29/09):
ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.
When travelling through Italy at various times, we've seen bougainvillea growing all over the place. The climate there is perfect for these lovely plants -- so vibrant! I drove one of my daughters and my husband crazy running around Rome taking pictures of them....oh well, such is life with an artist, right? Huh? (Nodding in agreement, I hope...)
My framed paintings on glass will be featured in December at the Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art Holiday Show -- so if you are interested in any of the recent small works for yourself, buy them now, as they may be gone after the show!
"Italian Bougainvillea", 7"x5" framed glass painting, $125 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write me for more information at
NEWS: I was accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place. ...And...I am also a Wild Hands Art Gallery artist, on Pearl Street in Jackson, Wyoming, with my paintings on glass! ...More....I am proud to announce that Common Ground Western Art in Red Lodge, Montana, is now representing me, also.
ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.
Chanukah is coming and I hope to provide more artwork in the near future for this art blog.
This is the mountain of peace, "Har Shalom". The sunsets in Colorado are just amazing, I never tire of them. The idea of peace, be it in nature or the world, is alluring. Put the two together -- here is my interpretation.
"Har Shalom (Mountain of Peace)", 5"x7" measured edge to edge glass, framed in soft black as shown, $125 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write me at for more information News! I was recently accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place. ...And...I was just accepted by Wild Hands Art Gallery on Pearl Street in Jackson, Wyoming, with my paintings on glass! Yaay! ...More....I am proud to announce that Common Ground Western Art in Red Lodge, Montana, is now representing me, also.