Inspired by J.M.W. Turner, Georgia O'Keefe, Massimo Cruciani, Edgar Degas and many others, I am pleased to be an artist painting in oils (palette knife and brush), soft pastels, paintings on glass and now watercolors. My landscapes are driven by my travel memories. My flowers are inspired by the actual thing -- I once had a pressed and dried flower business. And my skies -- my hero is Turner. What more can I say?
My motto: "Life is short, use color!" I hope you enjoy my show.
Okay, now I'm in the wrong season, floristically speaking (is that a word?????). Tulips show up in spring, but I felt like painting them anyway.
Frankly, tulips scare me a bit. They have such simple lines, that it's easy to mess up painting them. I gave it the might try, however, and had fun...I do like their droopiness when fully open and their tight buds....All in all, I enjoyed this experience, I'd say! See you next week.
Sunday I play "Vanna" Nolan at the Richard Schmid Auction, displaying the artwork to the crowd, to raise funds for the Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Department here in Colorado. I did this last year and had a blast! Also have a painting in the auction -- "Capitol Reef Flowers".
"Tulip Bouquet", 11"x11" measured edge to edge glass, painting on glass, sold framed as shown, $360 + $14.95 domestic shipping
I appear to be in another sunset mood. This one, sold, is "Fiery Sunset". I've seen the sky on fire more than once -- no, not really on fire -- but you could swear that it was! The clouds just light up, vibrant! Everything glows.
Sunsets are like poppies to me -- never ending delights to paint. I cannot get enough of them but I do hope that viewers never tire of them, either.
Do you?
"Fiery Sunset", oil/canvas, 18"x36", sold but I can paint something similar for you!
I normally don't post sold paintings, but felt compelled to do so today because this is one of my very favorite paintings. I am so proud of it -- it was done with only palette knives and I tried to create some drama and texture in it. The painting was sold to someone in Grand Lake, Colorado, for a second house.
These artworks are like my children, my babies. Maybe that sounds a tad bit dramatic, but I invest a lot of emotion in them. I wonder where they end up -- who buys them? What attracts the buyer to it? Are they happy with the purchase? Does the buyer know he/she gets a bit of me, too?
"Rose Sunset", sold, but I can make a similar one for you! 4"x13.5", oil on canvas
It's almost pear time! Yaay! You may be aware of my favorite color, red. Well, one of my favorite fruits comes in that color. Hence, this painting.
Pastel is my original favorite medium. I was so influenced by Degas a child, I had to play with the pastel sticks when I first tried artwork. The softness and silkiness and creaminess, butter in your hands, drew me in. And the variety of colors! You can own millions of pastel sticks and with so many different manufacturers around the world, get every shade and hue of the rainbow.
Doesn't this just make you hungry? Enjoy your red pears today!
"Red Pear Trio", 11"x14", original pastel sold unframed for $300 + $14.95 shipping domestically
Once upon a time the Nolan family took a trip to Ireland to see the "old country" (on my husband's side). We stayed in Dingle, Ireland, near Slea Head. The ocean beckoned, so of course we went to it. But the fields also beckoned and this is the flower which I saw growing wild. Quite the surprise.
We're past the iris season now, but I always look forward to the next one. Maybe tomorrow I'll post my latest glass painting, "The Four Irises" (as opposed to The Three Tenors!).
Have a good day.
"Wild Irish Iris", in private collection, maybe I can paint one for you!
Sunflowers. Where aren't they? We see them driving down the road, plant the mammoth seeds for the birds in the back yard, go to Spain, wake up in a field of them...And, Kansas, of course, is known for them.
They are the cheeriest of flowers. Their flower heads follow the sun. Look east in the morning, west in the afternoon...what an odd thing to do....
Enjoy the chipper sunflower colors because autumn is just around the corner! Cheers!
First note: these poppies are not showing well on my screen. This probably has something to do with everything looking "flat". Painting on glass is reminiscent, somewhat, of stained glass. The colors tend to glow, merge. I'm working on showing how lovely and sometimes translucent or transparent the colors are by including close ups of the paintings. Please check them out, also.
Second note: I am a poppy addict. (Not in the drug sense!) I'll never stop loving fields of poppies or poppies one at a time. I hope you love them as much as I do!
Third, and last, note: People ask if painting on glass is difficult. The answer is, undoubtedly, yes, yes, and yes! This is the most difficult type of painting I've encountered yet, very precise, very, very time consuming. I feel it's well worth the effort, however, and plan to do even more topics using the technique. Again, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Pansies are just delightful flowers. Although close to impossible to paint, at least for me, the colors are vibrant or subtle, but never dull. They spring back to life in the fall, having endured the summer heat, but are often better replaced then.
Many people think of pansies in shades of purples or blues. I have seen them in hues of oranges and yellows and whites and almost black. I feel it is incumbent upon me, being the colorist (so I'm told) to add a bit of zip that Nature seemed to remember in the bougainvillea but sort of skipped over with pansies. Call it artistic license, if you will!
Poppies, poppies, poppies! When will she ever stop painting those poppies, anyway?
Well, "she" will never stop painting those poppies, folks! They are just so much fun to paint, with those many shades of red, a bit of orange or yellow, purple centers and all. A thoroughly enjoyable experience and a blast on glass.
As I mentioned yesterday, it's starting to feel a bit like autumn! Very cool in the mornings, refreshing. However, the garden is starting to lose some of its color impact on me. The butterfly bush that's quite the attraction to not only butterflies, but also hummingbirds, is still blooming is lovely purple blooms and one can still see some cosmos around, but the rest of the yard is showing golden yellows with rudbeckia and coreopsis being the main culprits there.
So what am I getting at with this blog? I love the color combination of cobalt blue and hot pinks and about a year ago I applied these colors to the canvas with only palette knives. Talk about tricky! One can get a lot of texture and dimension with these knives. However, painting flowers with them solely was difficult (and yet fun). Here you see the results. One of the last bouquets of summer, harvested onto canvas.
I can sort of feel fall in the air. It's not time yet. That I know. But in the mornings, it's cooled down a bit. The days are shortening just slightly. I keep thinking it's mid-summer but that's just because I have been so busy! Hard to keep track of the time sometimes!
Autumn brings November. November brings dramatic sunsets. I remember this particular dusk -- it was glorious. And all from my front door! Living by the foothills of the Rockies doesn't hurt any sunset and going out into the street to capture the sunset is a privilege I never thought I'd have. Enjoy the view!
Water lilies are intriguing plants. They just seem to float effortlessly on water and happen to have lovely blooms floating along with them. I've seen these plants at several places; they certainly are not native to Colorado!
In this painting on glass, I've tried to convey that floatiness. You might be able to see it to better effect in the close-up. Drifting through life, that sounds like a great way to live!
This art work is entitled "Water Falls" and just looking at it cools me off in this summer heat. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons. I'm extreme enough, personality wise, don't need extreme heat or cold!
I'm always amazed at what one can do with a palette knife, it's great fun! Just pull down, you create cool water. And, of course, water falls just sound refreshing! The idea of standing under them sounds great at the moment....
"Water Falls", palette knife oil painting on canvas, 9"x12", sold unframed for $220.00
It has finally cooled down here a bit. I think it's supposed to hit the mid-80's, which is utterly delightful. I'm looking forward to the day.
Funny how heat takes such a toll on one. When it's as hot as it has been, up to 100 degrees lately, I don't even want to go out and see the sunset. Now, that's weird! Tonight, I bet I see something like "Last Rays". I painted this artwork a few years back in pastel and have always enjoyed it. Just the slightest peep of the sun dipping behind the mountains....the very last of the day.
This is an oil painting, 14"x11", palette knife on linen, painted for a very special cause. I have been invited into the Richard Schmid Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Department auction, held this year on August 31st, and this is the painting I have submitted for the auction. The volunteer fire department is just that -- no funds, just volunteers. Richard Schmid lived in these parts a few years back and began this amazing auction that has helped so many. Please consider bidding on this or any of the other pieces of art at Thanks!
Pansies are truly the harbinger of spring. They can even bloom in fall and winter. Hardy little fellows!
Here's my take on pansy painting: It's hard! Because the petals can get into awkward positions, it can be difficult to follow the folds and lines of the blooms. But the color selection is a hoot! You can go absolutely wild with the hues, even make them up, because there are such wide varieties.
I'm finding that in this intense heat, mid-90s and upward, I'm having to replace the poor pansies. There's something rotten about having to pull out a half-dead plant and put in something new, bright, and cheerier. Guilt, I suppose. I had high hopes, as I do each spring, of the pansies carrying on through fall. Oh well, maybe next year!